IMG is a Philippine-based global company whose Mission is to promote Financial Literacy among Filipino families.

Established in 2002, IMG is one of the few companies of its kind in the industry today - a company dedicated to serving the financial needs of individuals and families who are typically overlooked by the financial services industry.

IMG aims to financially educate 30 Million families by 2030 through its membership platform.

You can also become a member of IMG and have access to its Lifetime  Membership Benefits.


Furthermore, IMG is a one-stop-shop financial distribution company not a networking company. We are partnered with the most reputable companies in the financial industry of the Philippines. Availing your one-time lifetime IMG membership, you can enjoy forever all the perks and benefits what IMG offers.


We want to deliver the world's financial wake-up call! Changing people from spenders to savers.

Financial Education

In IMG, we believe that financial education is not just for the wealthy, it's for everyone. Get educated on all aspects of personal finance.

Access to Financial Products

Have access to hundreds of financial products and services. Receive training and support to manage their money. Save money on various products and services.

Online Business in the Financial Industry

Earn by sharing their know-how with associates in this fast-growing industry. Flexible working hours. Professional and personal growth.

FREE Gift for you!

In line with IMG's 30 Million Financially Educated Families by 2030 Financial Literacy Campaign. We are giving Personal Finance eBook for you!

An eBook recommended by Bro. Bo Sanchez.

 Hello, I am Maida Orencia Manalo, a Mompreneur and your Full-time IMG Financial Educator ready to serve and to teach you!

I've been a member and a Financial Educator of IMG (International Marketing Group) since 2014.

For the past years, I've been able to provide proven Financial Education to all our members to guide them in Financial planning for a better future retirement and for many Filipino families globally. With the help of the Internet we can achieve our Mission faster to educate 30 Million Financially Educated Families by year 2030.